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6" Snail Lock Bullnose Premium Resin Diamond 320TT
Part # LT150FINT3320 Tenax 6" Snail Lock Bullnose Premium Resin Diamond 320TT

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Tenax USA Price: $100.00

6 Snail Lock Bullnose Premium Resin Diamond 320Tt


6 320TT snail lock premium resin bullnose diamond edge polishing wheel for use on multi-head and single-head machines from a variety of brands including: Park Industrie...

Product Code: LT150FINT3320

Description Technical & Safety Videos

320TT 6" Bullnose Snail Lock RD

The 320TT is one 6" bullnose wheel in a full line of automated edge polishing wheels offered by Tenax. These 6" Bullnose Snail Lock Premium Resin Diamond wheels are a line of abrasives designed for use on both single and multi-head machines. Made to work with many brands of equipment, these 6" wheels may be used on the following:

  • Marmo Meccanica™
  • Park Industries™
  • Sasso™
  • Omega™
  • Montresor™
  • USG machines™
  • Commandulli™
  • CMPI™

As mentioned, This 6" 320TT is but one of several in this particular line of automatededge polishing wheels. The 6" Bullnose Snail Lock Premium Resin Diamond wheels are available in the following grains:

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