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Snail Lock Automated Diamond Snail Lock Edge Wheels

Tenax automated edge polishing wheels are designed for both single and multihead line machines. May be used on GMM™, Cemar™, Breton™,Marmo Meccanica™, Park Industries™, Sasso™, Omega™, Montresor™, USG machines™, Commandulli™, CMPI™, etc.

Tenax offers both 5" and 6" Snail Lock Flat Edge Resin Diamonds as well as 5" and 6" Snail Lock Bullnose Resin Diamonds.

Why Use Tenax In Line Automated Diamond Wheels?
  1. Polish. Tenax Automated Edge Wheels produce a very deep, rich polish on both granite and Engineered Stone materials
  2. No lines. Tenax In Line Diamond Discs produce that perfect polish without the lines so common in many diamond edge wheels
  3. Life. Hands down Tenax Diamond Edge Wheels will outlast even the most popular edge wheels by 2 to 3 times longer. Tenax Wheels last between 4500-6000 feet per set.
  4. Less pressure on the machine. Tenax Automatic Edge Diamond Wheels run a virtually minimum machine pressure. Average pressure is 2 bars-2 1/2 bars.
  5. Easy to set up. Tenax In Line Diamond Wheels are super easy to set up and get the edges polishing faster.
  6. Less cost per Linear Foot. Because of the competitive market price of Tenax Diamonds and double the life, Tenax Diamonds become the lowest cost per linear foot to run.
  7. Interchangeable Wheels: No need to change wheels from Bullnose to Flat or Vice Versa. Both profiles can do Flat and Bullnose edges.

How to Choose which one to use? Should you use Bullnose or Flat Edge Diamond Wheels? Why does Tenax offer 2 different ones?

Tenax produces both Bullnose and Flat Edge In Line Diamond Discs. Both will work on either edge.

If you have dedicated automatic line machines for either Bullnose or Flat edge polishing, choose either the Bullnose or Flat Edge edge diamond wheels for that specific line machine.

If you have 1 Automatic Edge Machine that is being used for both Flat Edge and Bullnose polishing, use the bullnose diamond wheels. The Bullnose will do both radius and flat polish. But since the majority of what the machine will be doing is bullnose by using the bullnose wheels it will drastically improve the life efficiency of the edge diamonds to help get you that 4500-6000 linear feet of polish.

Vice Versa applies as well. If you run the majority of your edges as flat but occasionally do Bullnose, than buy the Flat Edge Wheels. And you most certainly can run the Bullnose job when the job comes in without changing heads. This is to maximize speed, performance, and life of the wheels and machine.

Click below to learn the full details of Tenax Flat Edge ( 5 Inch and 6 Inch) and Bullnose Diamond Edge Discs (5 Inch or 6 Inch)

Creating Brushed Leather Finishes

Do you want to create a brushed leather finish using your in line machine? You can with our Airflex and Filiflex snail lock brushes.

Check out the Tenax Filiflex and Airflex snail lock brushes

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5" Auto Edge Inline 120 Grit Snail Lock 120 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 120 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
5" Auto Edge Inline 120 Grit Hook & Loop 120 Grit 5” Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5” 120 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
6" Auto Edge Inline 120 Grit Snail Lock Abrasive 120 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 120 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
6" Auto Edge Inline 120 Grit Hook & Loop 120 Grit 6” Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6” 120 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
5" Auto Edge Inline 1200 Grit Hook & Loop 1200 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 1200 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
5" Auto Edge Inline 1200 Grit Snail Lock 1200 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 1200 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 1200 Grit Hook & Loop 1200 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 1200 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 1200 Grit Snail Lock 1200 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 1200 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
5" Auto Edge Inline 1500 Grit Hook & Loop 1500 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 1500 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
5" Auto Edge Inline 1500 Grit Snail Lock 1500 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 1500 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 1500 Grit Hook & Loop 1500 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 1500 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 1500 Grit Snail Lock 1500 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 1500 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
5" Auto Edge Inline 220 Grit Hook & Loop 220 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 220 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
5" Auto Edge Inline 220 Grit Snail Lock 220 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 220 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 220 Grit Hook & Loop 220 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 220 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 220 Grit Snail Lock 220 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 220 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
5" Auto Edge Inline 3000 Grit Hook & Loop 3000 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 3000 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
6" Auto Edge Inline 3000 Grit Hook & Loop 3000 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 3000 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
5" Auto Edge Inline 400 Grit Hook & Loop 400 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 400 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
5" Auto Edge Inline 400 Grit Snail Lock 400 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 400 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 400 Grit Hook & Loop 400 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 400 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 400 Grit Snail Lock 400 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 400 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
5" Auto Edge Inline 80 Grit Hook & Loop 80 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 80 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
80 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel 80 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 80 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 80 Grit Hook & Loop 80 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 80 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 80 Grit Snail Lock 80 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 80 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23
5" Auto Edge Inline 800 Grit Hook & Loop 800 Grit 5" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 5" 800 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $62.82
5" Auto Edge Inline 800 Grit Snail Lock 800 Grit 5" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 5" 800 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 800 Grit Hook & Loop 800 Grit 6" Auto Edge Hook & Loop Inline Wheel

The 6" 800 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Hook & Loop and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $78.53
6" Auto Edge Inline 800 Grit Snail Lock 800 Grit 6" Auto Edge Snail Lock Inline Wheel

The 6" 800 Grit edge wheel is one in a series of polishing wheels that fasten via Snail Lock and are made for automated inline edge polishing machines.

Tenax USA Price: $94.23