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About The Company

Tenax's headquarters are located near Verona, in Volargne in the heart of the Valpolicella area. The Tenax complex has constantly expanded through the years until it reached its current size. The group now has more than 160 employees. These are the factors to be found in all products and services distributed across the world:

The Typically Italian Style

In its sector, the Group is an acknowledge reference point for the quality of its products and the corporate philosophy which sees the human factor as the key resource of its success.

Experimentation and On-going Research

These are the principles behind the company's growth and the continuous broadening of the range of products on offer, thanks to a team of a highly experienced specialised researchers and technicians.

Production and Quality Control Departments

Adaptation and constant implementation of structures and instrumentation, adoption of new technologies for production processes, and widespread quality controls: these are the bedrock of production at the vanguard of quality standards.

Tenax in the World

Tenax over the years has become the world leader, reinforced by the presence of seven foreign branches and 3 in Italy, including headquarters, garrisons that contribute to a more widespread distribution of products.