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Polyester Adhesive Glue Products

Looking for a polyester glue in knife grade? Need flowing filler for marble? Looking for a transparent polyester glue? You've found your source for the best adhesives on the market.

Knife Grade and Flowing Polyesters

Our knife grade polyester adhesive products for vertical and horizontal bonding or filling are available in a variety of colors. Also available in transparent if you are looking for a clear solution.

If you are seeking flowing polyester glues for horizontal bonding and filling of marble or another natural stone, our line of flowing adhesives may be your choice. These glues are also available in multiple colors and additionally come in transparent as well.

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Part # 11AC01BJ10 Colored Flowing Buff 1 Gallon Colored Flowing Buff 1 Gallon

1 Gallon Buff Polyester Adhesive is for horizontally filling, repairing, and rebuilding stone surfaces of all sorts. It cures fast and takes a polish very well.

Tenax USA Price: $62.80
Part # 11AC01BG50 Colored Flowing Buff 1 Quart Colored Flowing Buff 1 Quart

1 Quart Buff Polyester Adhesive is for horizontally filling, repairing, and rebuilding stone surfaces of all sorts. It cures fast and takes a polish very well.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part # 11AB01BG50 Colored Flowing White 1 Quart Colored Flowing White 1 Quart

1 Quart White Polyester Adhesive is for horizontally filling, repairing, and rebuilding stone surfaces of all sorts. It cures fast and takes a polish very well.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part # 17AT01BG50 Colored Knife Grade White 1 Quart Colored Knife Grade Black 1 Quart

Black high quality polyester knife grade mastic that is a consistency made for vertical and horizontal applications when repairing, bonding, and filling stone.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part # 17AC01BJ10 Colored Knife Grade Buff 1 Gallon Colored Knife Grade Buff 1 Gallon

A buff colored polyester mastic adhesive that is formulated for repairing, filling, and bonding natural stone. Being knife grade, it may be used vertically.

Tenax USA Price: $62.80
Part # 17AC01BG50 Colored Knife Grade Buff 1 Quart Colored Knife Grade Buff 1 Quart

A buff colored polyester mastic adhesive that is formulated for repairing, filling, and bonding natural stone. Being knife grade, it may be used vertically.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part # 17AB01BG60 Colored Knife Grade White 1 Gallon Colored Knife Grade White 1 Gallon

White high quality polyester knife grade mastic that is a consistency made for vertical and horizontal applications when repairing, bonding, and filling stone.

Tenax USA Price: $62.80
Part # 17AB01BG50 Colored Knife Grade White 1 Quart Colored Knife Grade White 1 Quart

White high quality polyester knife grade mastic that is a consistency made for vertical and horizontal applications when repairing, bonding, and filling stone.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part #TIXOEXTRASPCT1GL Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 1 Gallon Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 1 Gallon

Transparent Knife Grade is Italian made premium knife grade glue that offers many outstanding characteristics that fabricators look for in a knife grade.

Tenax USA Price: $71.43
Part #TIXOEXTRASPCT1QT Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 1 Quart Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 1 Quart

Tixo EX is very polishable and colors easily to match the stone. It cures fast and bonds extremely strong. Cures in lower temperatures.

Tenax USA Price: $19.86
Part #TIXOEXTRASPCT17KG Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 5 Gallon (17 Kg) Tixo Ex Knife Grade Transparent 5 Gallon

Tenax Tixo EX knife grade glue is a true knife grade that doesn't drip and run off the edge after adding the hardener and curing begins.

Tenax USA Price: $232.09
Part # TIXOEXTRASPCTBBOX Tixo EX Transparent Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon Tixo EX Transparent Knife Grade Big Box 4 x 1.25 Gallon

Tixo EX is very polishable and colors easily to match the stone. It cures fast and bonds extremely strong. Cures in lower temperatures.

Tenax USA Price: $249.53
Part # FLOW1GAL Transparent Flowing 1 Gallon Transparent Flowing 1 Gallon

You can use 4 Liter Transparent Polyester Adhesive for horizontally repairing, rebuilding, and filling natural and engineered stone and can be colored using pigments.

Tenax USA Price: $71.43
Part # FLOW1QT Transparent Flowing 1 Quart Transparent Flowing 1 Quart

This 1 Liter Transparent Polyester Adhesive is designed for repairing, rebuilding, and filling natural and other stone surfaces. It is very polishable and cures shiny.

Tenax USA Price: $19.86
Part # 1AAA00BL60 Transparent Flowing 200 Liters Transparent Flowing 200 Liters

200 Liter Transparent Polyester Adhesive is for horizontally filling, repairing, and rebuilding stone surfaces of all sorts. It cures fast and takes a polish very well.

Tenax USA Price: $2,859.00
Part # FLOW17KG Transparent Flowing 5 Gallon Transparent Flowing 5 Gallon

You can use 17 KG (5 Gallon) Transparent Polyester Adhesive for horizontally repairing, rebuilding, and filling natural and engineered stone and can be colored using pigments.

Tenax USA Price: $232.09
Part # 14AC01BG50 Travertine Filler 1 Quart Travertine Filler 1 Quart

Designed to fill natural travertine pits, holes, and voids used to repair, fill, and rebuild the material.

Tenax USA Price: $17.46
Part  #14AC01BG40BROWN Travertine Filler Brown 125 ML Travertine Filler Brown 125 ML

Brown polyester filler for natural travertine stone that has porous voids in the surface; a characteristic of natural travertine material.

Tenax USA Price: $9.95
Part  #14AC01BG40BUFF Travertine Filler Buff 125 ML Travertine Filler Buff 125 ML

Buff polyester filler for natural travertine stone that has porous voids in the surface; a characteristic of natural travertine material.

Tenax USA Price: $9.95