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Comparing Granite & Concrete

Both materials are versatile. Each is durable and has a history of use in architecture all over the world. Yet these materials differ in very distinct ways. In this article we will consider some basic information about both materials. Then we will take a look at their differences. So let's get into exploring granite & concrete compared.

A Look At Granite

Before we begin comparing granite with concrete countertops, we will first look at each material discuss a bit of its history. The first one we will look at is granite.

Granite is a natural stone that has been used in architecture for centuries, even thousands of years. Used for everything from staircases to statues, this material has been quarried, cut shaped and set by all sorts of artisans and architects.

Granite's Popularity as a Countertop Surface

In more modern times granite grew to be a primary material for kitchen countertops. For many years it seemed to be the material that home purchasers would ask for by name. And even though there are many more options available now, natural granite remains a very popular material from which to construct kitchen and bathroom countertops.

Considering Concrete

Like we did with granite, we will take a brief look at concrete and then we will be ready to make our comparison between these materials.

Concrete is a man made material that has served many purposes thorughout its existence. Concrete has been used for sidewalks, driveways, walls, and even buildings. Since concrete is manufactured and is poured into molds, it is a very verstile material and recently it has come to be the material of choice for all sorts applications. And one specific use for concrete may surprise you.

Concrete for Countertops?

As mentioned, concrete can be poured into virtually any shape you can imagine. It can also be tinted and even dyed specific colors. This makes concrete very versatile and flexible if you have a professional that is skilled at working with it. This characteristic of concrete is well known enough now that it is growing in popularity and becoming more prevalent.

How Does Granite Compare With Concrete?

Now that we have taken a brief look at each of these materials, we can begin making our comparison. First, we will look at how these materials are similar and then we will explore their differences.


Both granite and concrete are very durable materials. Each is scratch resistent and can withstand high temperatures that are common in household kitchens. This means both granite and concrete are not only suitable as countertop materials, but that they can take what is thrown at them through normal use.

Another similarity between granite and concrete is that each is porous. This means that both granite and concrete need to have sealers applied to help the surfaces repel water-based and oil-based liquids that could penetrate the stone and leave stains.

Although concrete and granite share traits, it does not mean that these materials ar the same. In fact they differ in a number of ways. Let's look at some of them now.


We have already alluded to a big difference between these two materials. Namely, the way each is made. Since granite is a natural stone, it is simply quarried and cut into slabs. On the other hand concrete is man-made and is a liquid mixture that is poured into a mold and allowed to cure. Each has some significant strengths and each has its weaknesses.

Concrete countertops are often times chosen for their industrial appearance. They are very customizable though. Since they are poured, concrete surfaces are versatile in their look and styling. So the shape varies. Additionally, concrete is often times dyed to a desired color. The number of colors diverse. You can see various color options on websites like this one. So as you can imagine, there is virtually no end to the styles you could come up with using concrete.

Granite brings with it a variety of looks as well. There are stone dyes available for altering the color of natural stone. And even some sealers are actually stone enhancers that not only seal the stone but also give the appearance a deep, rich look. Although granite is not completely mad-made and therefore has what some might refer to as limitations, various finishes can be applied to the surface of the material. Texturing grnaite countertops is accomplished using brushes designed to gie the stone a "leathered" or "antiqued" look.

In the end, concrete and granite countertops have some significant similarities. Yet they also have differences that make each of them not only unique, but also favored by some comsumers. In many cases then, the choice will be made based on personal preference and which styling the consumer values.

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