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Sealer and Wax Remover 1 Liter
Part # 1MCT02BG50 Sealer and Wax Remover 1 Quart

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Tenax has distributors across the USA. Please email us at [email protected] with your company name and zip code. We will put you in contact with the distributor nearest you. You may call as well: 704-583-1173 for assistance. Or, you can find this product online at the above distributor websites:

Tenax USA Price: $38.69


Description Technical & Safety

Sealer and Wax Remover 1 Quart

Tenax Sealer and Wax Remover removes liquid and paste waxes off the surfaces of stone. Transparent in color


  • Easy to Use
  • Removes Liquid Wax
  • Removes Paste Waxes
  • Transparent Color


Simply pour the the Wax Remover onto the surface, let stand for 5-10 minutes. Agitate the surface using a brush. Remove with rags or towels.

Shelf Life

This product will last at least 2 years if kept between 65° and 77°. Keep away from heat, humidity and sunlight.


Please read the safety data sheet in the section below before usage.

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